Viewing Contact Activity

When working in Outlook, you may want to view your last touch point with a contact. You may also want to see whether anyone at your organization has had contact with that person, or whether the contact has had any recent updates, such as a company change or a promotion. Taking time to review recent activity with contacts helps you become more informed before contacting them.

InterAction for Microsoft Outlook lets you view three types of contact activity from within Outlook:

Viewing Upcoming Meetings with a Contact

The Upcoming Meetings feature lets you view upcoming touch points with a contact that are scheduled to occur within the next 60 days. Since meetings are the most common activities that occur in the future, most of the activities that appear in this list will be meetings. If your organization synchronizes calendar items with InterAction, syncing meetings are included in this list.

Upcoming Meetings

Not all InterAction activities are included in this list. By default, all “Communication” activity types are included, such as E-mail, Meeting, and Phone Call. However, your organization can configure the types of activities that appear in this list.

NOTE For more information on configuring the types of activities included in the Upcoming Meetings and InterActions lists, see the InterAction for Personal Information Managers (PIMs) guide.

To view all upcoming meetings for the contact, choose View Upcoming Meetings. This opens the Upcoming Meetings tab of the Contact Details page, which shows all meetings including the contact scheduled to occur within the next 60 days. See Viewing Upcoming Meetings in Contact Details for details.

Viewing Recent InterActions with a Contact

The Interactions feature lets you view activities with a contact that occurred within the last 60 days. The activities included in this list were entered by you or other professionals in your organization.

Viewing InterActions with a Contact

Not all InterAction activities are included in this list. By default, all “Communication” activity types are included, such as E-mail, Meeting, and Phone Call. However, your organization can configure the types of activities that appear in this list.

NOTE For more information on configuring the types of activities included in the Upcoming Meetings and Interactions lists, see the InterAction for Personal Information Managers (PIMs) guide.

To view all activities for the contact, choose View All Activities. This opens the Activities tab of the Contact Details page, which shows all activities regarding the contact from 90 days ago to 90 days ahead.

Viewing Recent Information Updates for a Contact

The Information Updates feature lets you view updates made to a person’s name or employment information within the last 60 days. The updates included in this list are all updates made by professionals in your organization that you are permitted to see.

Viewing Information Updates for a Contact

The updates included in this list include changes to the following items for a contact:

  • Name (Name, Goes By Name)
  • Job Title
  • Company Name (Company Name, Company AKA Name)
  • Employment

To view all activities for the contact, choose View All Activities. This opens the Activities tab of the Contact Details page, which shows all activities regarding the contact from 90 days ago to 90 days ahead.