Reminder Settings

Reminders let you set up email messages for yourself so you remember to communicate with key contacts. Before creating reminders, configure your preferences for new reminders. These preferences are default settings, which you can override on any individual reminder.

NOTE Reminders Settings may not be enabled, based on the configuration settings for your organization or your InterAction user account. For more information on Reminders, see the Configuring InterAction guide.

For example, you can configure the following preferences:

  • When to deliver reminders
  • The format to deliver them
  • How often they should be repeated

To access Reminder Settings, choose the Settings option on the InterAction Ribbon or menu in Outlook, then choose Reminder Settings. The Reminder Preferences page displays.

Reminder Preferences Page

The following table defines the available preferences.

Reminder Settings
Setting Description
Email Format
Select the display format for reminder messages

The format of reminder email messages: HTML or Text.

For more information, see Why Choose Text Instead of HTML for Your Reminder Messages?.

Delivery Options

The frequency the reminder messages are delivered. The options are:

• Daily on weekdays

• Weekly on (any Weekday)

For more information, see What is the Difference Between Daily and Weekly Deliveries?.

Report Link

How reports are delivered. The options are:

• Show Report Chooser

• Use selected report (to always use a specific report). To select the report to use, choose Find Report, choose the report from the InterAction Report Chooser, then choose OK.

New Reminders
Repeat every The initial frequency for new reminders. This setting indicates how often a new reminder will trigger. You can set a new reminder to repeat in increments of 1-12 weeks or 1-12 months.

Why Choose Text Instead of HTML for Your Reminder Messages?

The reminder preference for whether reminder messages are formatted in HTML or text is set for all reminder messages, not on an individual reminder basis. You might choose to have reminder messages delivered in text instead of HTML if you retrieve your email messages on a PDA or from email clients that have limitations displaying HTML.

However, if you choose HTML, reminder messages are multipart/alternative MIME messages. This means the same content is provided in both:

  • Plain text (text/plain) - for mail clients that cannot view HTML
  • HTML (text/HTML) - to allow use of formatting and hyperlinks

Reminder messages formatted as text can include all the same information as those formatted in HTML. There are a few differences with how you can use this information, though:

  • In text messages, the contact’s name and email address are read-only - in HTML, the contact’s name and email address are links.
  • In text messages, contact details, viewing a report, receiving the report as an attachment, editing the reminder, and adding an activity are presented as URLs - in HTML, these are links.

What is the Difference Between Daily and Weekly Deliveries?

Reminder messages are only delivered on weekdays, either daily or weekly. However, you can still schedule reminders for Saturday or Sunday.

If you choose a daily delivery, you receive your messages for Monday through Thursday on that respective day. On Friday, you receive your Friday, Saturday, and Sunday reminder messages.

If you choose a weekly delivery, you receive your reminder messages for the day you specify plus the next six days. For example, if you choose a Monday weekly delivery, you will receive any messages for Monday through Sunday on Monday.